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More College of Podiatric Medicine Policies


Student Malpractice Insurance Coverage PDFDownload to print

Students are covered only by the College of Podiatric Medicine’s malpractice insurance policy while participating in direct patient care in college-approved clinical rotations in the college’s clinics and other affiliated clinics, hospitals and doctor’s offices. Malpractice insurance coverage is limited to college-approved rotations.

The college’s malpractice insurance policy does not provide coverage for students who, in their free time, choose to visit, work voluntarily or are otherwise privately employed in clinics, hospitals or physicians’ offices. While visits are permitted, students are strongly advised to limit their activities strictly to observation. If students participate in direct patient care outside of a scheduled rotation, they do so at their own risk.

Practicing podiatric medicine (i.e. diagnosing or treating patients) outside of the college’s approved clinical programs is strictly forbidden and will lead to disciplinary action.